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SysReturn Instant Recovery & Centralized Management Solution

Infected by Virus? How to fix it rapidly?

Operation Mistake, system damage, how to fix it?

Many computers in the department, how to manage and maintain them efficiently?

System efficiency is getting worse, how to recover it back to normal?

System Recovery


Applying the “Multi-point recovery” protection of SysReturn, users can conveniently and quickly create / delete any of “recovery points”. When the computer problem occurs, the only thing to do is to reboot the computer, which can recover the system status to appointed “recovery point” saved system status. It greatly saves the time of waiting and dealing computer error.


SysReturn also provides the “Folder Non-recovered” function. User can define the specified folder that can be reserved as how it was while doing “system recovery”. It fulfilled the application of system protection and data saving.

Image Backup / Restore


Applying SysReturn “Image backup / Restore” function can back up the partition(s) of computer or the whole disk into an “Image file”. When the system error is too serious to rescue by “system recovery”, or the disk has damaged which need to be replaced, users can still easily restore the disk back to the status when they back it up.


SysReturn combines “Instant Recovery” and “Backup Restore”, two technologies of fixing system. When doing “Image Backup / Restore” function, it will together backup / restore the protection settings of “System Recovery”, protecting the computer with double defenses.

Rescue CD / USB Drive


Create the Backup Manager Tool of SysReturn into a portable “rescue CD” or “rescue USB drive”. Someday, when computer has problem and cannot enter system, applying this tool to bring computer system back to normal.


SysReturn’s “rescue CD” or “Rescue USB drive” can not only recover system back to “factory” status, but also protect the installed application, system settings, network parameters, etc. at the same time, recover them back to the status you appointed.

Local Harddisk Copy


SysReturn “local hard disk copy” function performs a high-speed disks content copy on a single PC. (Like Driver to Drive copy machine.)


SysReturn “Local Hard disk copy” function supports “differential copy”, which means only copy the CHANGES data size, enhancing the speed of operation; “Multi-point recovery”, copy all the created “recovery points”; “One to many copy”, copy the disk content from one disk to several disks at the same time.

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